
S2R was founded by university professors, research doctors and experts in the field on civil engineering, with the idea of enhancing their long-term experience in the geotechnical and structural engineering and to promote the results of several scientific researches carried out in the academic field. Italy, as well as other countries of southern Europe, is a nation with a high seismic risk, given the widespread seismic hazard of the territory and the high vulnerability of the historical building. This aspect becomes more evident whenever an earthquake occurs, with considerable damages to buildings, cultural-social heritage and with human losses. The commitment after the 2009 L’Aquila (Italy) earthquake, starting from the damage assessment of buildings to the post-earthquake reconstruction process, has increased the consciousness and the importance of the seismic vulnerability assessment for the seismic risk mitigation. In 2014, with this idea, S2R was born.


S2R, spin off of the University of Florence, is an engineering company which operates in the field of civil and environmental engineering, in the geotechnical and structural sectors, focusing on the seismic and hydrogeological risks. S2R offers advanced services of structural diagnostics, monitoring, design of construction systems and certification of materials, mainly focusing on the structures’ vulnerability and on the seismic hazard. S2R provides services for the study and realization of civil and industrial engineering works, industrial systems, infrastructures, urban plans, transport networks and analogous product, in the public and private sectors, both in Italy and abroad.

Andrea Borghini

Founder, Chairman BoD, Technical Director, Civil Engineer, PhD

Andrea Borghini PhD in civil and environmental engineering since 2011, CEO and chairman of the board of directors of S2R Srl, innovative start-up in the seismic engineering and spin-off sector of the University of Florence, mainly carries out activities of seismic risk reduction, support for new technologies and research projects, design, consulting, construction supervisor of civil, geotechnical and infrastructural engineering works. He carries out teaching activities at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence and he is author of several scientific papers in the field of seismic engineering. 


Andrea Vignoli

Founder, President of the Technical Scientific Committee, Full Professor, Civil Engineer

Andrea Vignoli is full professor of Solid Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering at the University of Firenze, Freelance Engineer, Founding Member and President of the Technical Scientific Committee of S2R Srl. 

He is the Author of more than 240 papers in national and international journals and chapters of scientific books. He is Head of numerous research activities in the field of seismic engineering and in particular on seismic risk assessment of existing masonry buildings.

He is the Scientific Responsible of the Laboratory for Structural and Material Testing of DICEA, Head of the research unit of DICEA of projects in the field of ReLUIS and delegated by the Director of the Tuscany Region in the technical Scientific Commission for Seismic Risk. 

In the professional field, he has carried out mainly structural design and design of seismic improvement interventions and construction supervisor of new constructions and infrastructural works. 

Emanuele Del Monte

Founder, CEO, Technical Director, Civil Engineer, PhD

Born in Bibbiena (AR) in 1977, graduated in civil engineering in 2003, since then he has carried out research in the field of structural dynamics, seismic engineering, diagnostics and structural monitoring at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence. He has been teaching assistant and supervisor of numerous degree theses. He received his PhD degree with studies on seismic engineering and was the author of numerous scientific papers. He has been a member of various research projects in the field of seismic risk analysis and mitigation of existing structures. In the professional field he has worked on structural design, construction supervision of many structural works, both new and existing.

He is one of the Founding Members and Managing Director of S2R as well as Head of the Technical-Scientific Area and Member of the Technical Scientific Committee.


Luca Bernardini

Founder, Doctor of Business Economics

Direttore Generale presso la società di prefabbricati Baraclit S.p.A. nonché comproprietario della stessa tramite la holding della famiglia Baracchi.

Dopo la laurea in Economia Aziendale presso l’Università Luigi Bocconi di Milano, si specializza nel campo della finanza aziendale e dei mercati dei capitali, prima come analista finanziario nella Merchant Bank Medinvest SpA e in seguito per 8 anni alle dipendenze di Eni S.p.A.

Nel 2009 entra alla Baraclit S.p.A. di Bibbiena (AR) azienda leader in Italia nel settore dei prefabbricati industriali con oltre € 60 mln di fatturato, 350 dipendenti e un patrimonio di 15 000 strutture realizzate e 22 mln di mq coperti in 67 anni di storia.

Nel 2010 promuove lo start-up della Divisione Baraclit - B.POWER dedicata allo studio e integrazione delle fonti rinnovabili, in particolare il solare fotovoltaico, nelle coperture degli edifici prefabbricati.

Vidan Ilic

Partner, Geotechnical Engineer, Technical-Scientific Area

Vidan Ilic joined S2R in January 2016 with specific focus on geotechnical seismic design and soil testing. In October 2016, Mr. Ilic was named a partner at S2R Consulting Company and in March 2019 a member of the Board of Directors. Prior to joining S2R, he was employed at Ghinelli Consulting Bureau, where he worked as a geotechnical engineer.

Mr. Ilic, licensed professional engineer and licensed safety manager, has a sufficient technical background and a firm understanding of regulatory laws, legislation and codes of practice in his field of expertise. He has extensive experience of working on a number of challenging and interesting projects within a variety of sectors. Responsible for acting as geotechnical engineer on situ and laboratory soil testing, foundations design, slope stability, underground projects, seismic design, soil improvement projects and embankment dams as well as collaborator of a team of technicians, graduate engineers and university professors in the production of feasibility studies, detail designs and construction drawings, specifications and technical reports. 

Languages: Serbian native speaker, Italian, English, French (elementary).


Mobile: + 39 3892377312

Alberto Ciavattone

Partner, Civil Engineer, PhD, Technical-Scientific Area

Alberto Ciavattone is a Civil Engineer, Ph.D..

He graduated in 2010 at the University of Florence with a thesis concerning the analysis of the damage and seismic vulnerability of the hamlet of Castelnuovo in S. Pio delle Camere (AQ) and the architectural-structural design of a new residential building for the post-earthquake reconstruction.

As soon as he graduated, he began to collaborate with civil engineering offices in the field of structural design and rehabilitation.

In the period 2011-2013, he attended the International PhD Course in Civil Engineering between the Universities of Florence and Braunschweig (Germany), obtaining the Ph.D. title in May 2014, discussing a thesis concerning the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of masonry hospital structures in Tuscany through detailed and empirical approaches.

In the period 2014-2018, he collaborates with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence as a Research Fellow; at the same time, since 2014, he collaborates with the Spin-off S2R, dealing with the structural design of new buildings and the evaluation of the seismic vulnerability and structural rehabilitation design for existing buildings. 



Francesco Nicchi

Partner, Civil Engineer, Technical-Scientific Area

Francesco Nicchi was born in Arezzo; after scientific studies in his hometown, he graduated in Civil Engineering with honor at the University of Florence, discussing the thesis "The Basilica of San Francesco in Arezzo: experimental investigations and seismic risk assessment".

He immediately started a close collaboration with the S2R University Spin-off, dealing with the geotechnical and structural design of new structures, as well as the evaluation of seismic vulnerability and structural rehabilitation design for existing buildings. He is specialized in the study of soil-structure interaction and in the analysis of the effects of aerodynamic actions and aeroelastic phenomena; dams, bridges and chimneys are its main fields of application. 

An avid script writer in the most common programming languages (Matlab, Python and VBA), he is constantly looking for efficient algorithms that can speed up the analysis processes. He aims to find the solution to the problem P versus NP


Roberto Tellini

Partner, Civil Engineer, Technical-Scientific Area

Roberto Tellini is a Civil Engineer.

He graduated in 2013 at the University of Florence with a thesis concerning the analysis of the post-earthquake damage, the evaluation of the structural safety and the reconstruction of an aggregate located in Castelnuovo in S. Pio delle Camere (AQ), hit by the earthquake of L’Aquila (06/04/2009).

As soon as he graduated, he started to collaborate with civil engineering offices in the field of structural design and rehabilitation.

In 2014 he started the activity of freelance, mainly dealing with the executive structural design and the construction supervision of new reinforced concrete and steel structures, local interventions and seismic retrofitting on existing buildings; he has also performed the “Analysis of emergency limit conditions” for a municipality.

From 2015 he also started to collaborate with the Spin-off S2R, dealing with the structural design of new buildings, evaluation of the seismic vulnerability, structural design of retrofitting projects and construction supervision for existing buildings.

From 2018 he is registered in the list of the Interior Ministry (art. 3 D.M. 05.08.2011) after attending the Basic Course of specialization in Fire Prevention.


Sonia Boschi

Civil Engineer, PhD, Technical-Scientific Committee

Sonia Boschi is a Civil Engineer, PhD.

She graduated in 2011 at the University of Florence with a thesis concerning the analysis of the damage and seismic vulnerability of a masonry building in aggregate located in the hamlet of Castelnuovo in S. Pio delle Camere Municipality (AQ) hit by the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake.

In the period 2012-2014 she attended the International PhD Course in Civil Engineering between the Universities of Florence and Braunschweig (Germany), obtaining the Ph.D. title in May 2015, with a thesis concerning the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings in aggregates at urban scale.

Since 2015 she has been collaborating with the S2R Spin-off and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence mainly in structural diagnostics of masonry buildings ( and seismic risk assessment of historic buildings. She is the author of scientific papers in national and international journals and she participates in numerous research projects in the field of seismic engineering.


Chiara Bernardini

Civil Engineer, PhD, Technical-Scientific Area

Chiara Bernardini is a Civil Engineer.  

She graduated in 2014 at the University of Florence, presenting a thesis concerning the seismic vulnerability of two masonry aggregates located in Florence (FI).

After graduating, she began her activity as a collaborator in structural design and rehabilitation.

In the period 2015-2018, she attended the XXXI International PhD Course in Civil and Environmental Engineering between the Universities of Florence and Braunschweig (Germany).

Soon she will take the final defence, presenting a thesis on the seismic performance assessment of masonry buildings in aggregate, in which the study of structural interactions between adjacent structures is deepened.

Since 2015, she collaborates with the Spin-off S2R and actually she is a collaborator with research grant of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence. She mainly deals with the evaluation of seismic vulnerability and structural rehabilitation of existing buildings.


Tommaso Bettarini

Civil Engineer, Technical-Scientific Area

Tommaso Bettarini is a Civil Engineer.

He graduated in 2016 at the University of Florence with a thesis on the analysis of the seismic vulnerability and the design of structural rehabilitation interventions of a historic masonry building characterized by structural problems in the municipality of Empoli.

In the second half of the same year he worked on the Tramvia line 3 of Florence, in the Technical Office of the executive company “C.M.B. Carpi”. 

In the period 2017-2018 he has been a Research Fellow in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence, working on the seismic vulnerability assessment of the buildings properties of the University of Florence. In 2017 he also started to collaborate with the Spin-off S2R, mainly dealing with the assessment of seismic vulnerability and structural rehabilitation projects for existing buildings.


Leonardo Bucci

Civil Engineer, Technical-Scientific Area

Leonardo Bucci is a Civil Engineer. 

Born in Figline Valdarno (FI) in 1991, graduated in 2017 at the University of Florence with a thesis about the seismic vulnerability, studied with linear and non-linear analyses, of Calenzano (FI) Municipality building. 

Since 2017 he has been collaborating with the S2R Spin-off and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence mainly in structural diagnostics of masonry and reinforced concrete buildings, aiming the seismic risk assessment. 


Francesca Cursi

Civil Engineer, Technical-Scientific Area

Francesca Cursi is a Civil Engineer. 

She graduated in 2019 at the University of Florence discussing the thesis “Seismic vulnerability assessment at territorial scale, comparison between macroseismic approach and detailed analysis”. 

She immediately started a close collaboration with the S2R University Spin-off, dealing with seismic vulnerability assessment at territorial scale and seismic vulnerability assessment of bridges. 


Davide Izzo

Civil Engineer, Technical-Scientific Area

Davide Izzo is a Civil Engineer.

He graduated in 2018 at the University of Florence with a thesis on the analysis of seismic vulnerability and the design of structural rehabilitation interventions of two masonry buildings of the University Hospital of Careggi. 

In 2017 he collaborated with the Engineering Project studio in Prato where he mainly dealt with the structural design of two reinforced concrete buildings. In 2018 he collaborated with Spin-off S2R, mainly dealing with seismic vulnerability assessment and structural rehabilitation projects for existing buildings. In 2019 he moved to Copenhagen where he assisted the project engineering activities at the site of the Ferring Pharmaceuticals headquarters designed by Foster+Partners and he is continuing to work with S2R.

Nikita Khalimov

Civil Engineer, Technical-Scientific Area

Nikita Khalimov is a Civil Engineer.

He graduated in 2016 at the University of Florence with a thesis concerning the analysis of the seismic vulnerability of a school building located in Empoli, focusing on the influence of relevant openings in the floor. 

In the period 2017-2018 he is a Research Fellow at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence collaborating with the seismic vulnerability assessment of the buildings property of Univesity of Florence; meanwhile he collaborates with the Spin-off S2R, dealing with the evaluation of the seismic vulnerability and structural rehabilitation design for existing buildings.


Giovanni Menichini

Civil Engineer, Technical-Scientific Area

Giovanni Menichini is a Civil Engineer.

He graduated in 2016 at the University of Florence with a thesis concerning the role of roof connections in the seismic response of RC precast one-storey building. 

After graduating, he started to work as a collaborator in structural design and numerical modeling.

From November 2016 he attends the XXXII International Doctorate Course in Civil Engineering with and agreement between the Universities of Florence and Ljubljana University (Slovenia). He is developing a research on the seismic response of vertical cladding panel systems in RC precast buildings. 

From 2017 collaborates with the Spin -off S2R, mainly dealing with numerical modeling, research and safety assessment for existing infrastructures.


Viola Nistri

Civil Engineer, Technical-Scientific Area

Viola Nistri is a Civil Engineer.

She graduated at The University of Florence in 2018, with a thesis concerning the large-scale vulnerability assessment of the building stock affected by the Lunigiana and Garfagnana earthquake (2013) and the calibration of vulnerability and fragility curves.

Since 2018 she has been collaborating with the S2R Spin-off; she mainly deals with the vulnerability analysis of existing buildings and infrasructures.


Giacomo Pandi

Civil Engineer, Technical-Scientific Area

Giacomo Pandi is a Civil Engineer. 

Born in Firenze (FI) in 1984, he graduated in 2017 at the University of Florence with a thesis about the evaluation of seismic capacity of existing masonry buildings located in the municipalities of the Casentino area.

Since 2017 he has been collaborating with the S2R Spin-off and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence.

He mainly deals with seismic risk analysis at the municipal level.



Emanuele Del Monte

Founder, CEO

Civil Engineer, PhD
Technical Director

Andrea Borghini

Founder, Chairman BoD

Civil Engineer, PhD
Technical Director

Andrea Vignoli

Founder, Technical Director

Civil Engineer, Full Professor

Luca Bernardini


Doctor of Business Economics General Manager and co-owner of the Baraclit S.p.A. Company

Vidan Ilic

Partner, Civil Engineer

Technical Scientific Area

Alberto Ciavattone

Partner, Civil Engineer

PhD, Technical Scientific Area

Francesco Nicchi

Partner, Civil Engineer

Tecnical-Scientific Area

Roberto Tellini

Partner, Civil Engineer

Technical Scientific Area

Sonia Boschi

Civil Engineer, PhD

Technical Scientific Committee

Nikita Khalimov

Civil Engineer

Technical Scientific Area

Chiara Bernardini

Civil Engineer, PhD

Technical Scientific Area

Leonardo Bucci

Civil Engineer

Technical Scientific Area

Francesca Cursi

Civil Engineer

Technical Scientific Area

Giovanni Menichini

Civil Engineer

Technical Scientific Area

Viola Nistri

Civil Engineer

Technical Scientific Area